How many wents are in a go? This must be British thing. Ten gallops in a behoove, what what.

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Thank you for that CPAP review! I was wondering about that just yesterday!

I love your friend Irene, wish I had a friend like her! 😃

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Mar 19Liked by Alice Bradley

I got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea in my late twenties after suffering from intense fatigue for ten years (apparently being a chronically exhausted, skinny, female teenager who did not snore failed to qualify me for a sleep study in that day and age). I tried sleeping with a CPAP and was so miserable that I began avoiding going to bed so I wouldn't have to face putting it on. This was... counterproductive. I eventually had "maxillomandibular advancement surgery" and it totally changed my life (and face 😅). Careful googling the procedure. They essentially moved my upper and lower jaw forward to make more room for sweet, sweet air to come through. A++ would eat through a straw for 6 weeks again. Though I was much younger than I am now, so I benefited from faster recovery.

I know they also do special night guards that can help with sleep apnea, which are quite a bit less invasive than jaw surgery. I'm sorry you're struggling with CPAP. I think there are better options than when I was using one, but I truly loathed that machine and donating it post-surgery was a very happy day.

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Mar 19Liked by Alice Bradley

2/3 of your post reads like a companion piece to the book "Breath" by James Nestor, where he explores why our our bodies and brains have been negatively impacted by the way we breathe, and offers behaviors that might reverse the damage and/or introduce positive effects. One of them is singing in groups with others! You might give it a go... 😉

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Mar 18Liked by Alice Bradley

I have a CPAP, the blowing in the nose kind, after refusing to go a sleep study for years because I knew it would result in my getting a machine! But I finally did because my husband’s sleep had been suffering for years, apparently I snore REALLY LOUDLY. I have not seen any benefits to my sleep (I always fall asleep quickly) or energy (I am already at a good level), but I do it for him. And remind him of it every once in a while😂.

Once I got past the ripping it off in the middle of the night stage it was fine, and I don’t really notice it much, I swear!

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Mar 18Liked by Alice Bradley

I just loved this post and thought “why do I ignore this Substack account” and went back and realized that I, in fact, do NOT ignore it. You are just a rare poster! Please continue to delight and amuse your readers. You MUST! 🙂

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My husband thanks you in that I now have a little more sympathy over his own cpap machine hate - but just a little because he refuses to wear it and still complains about his worsening COPD symptoms. There has to be a better thing for you all.

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Mar 18·edited Mar 18Liked by Alice Bradley

It took me SO LONG to adjust to the CPAP. So I hear you. But I'm finally there using it most nights without incident. Happy to chat more if you want! There are better "full face" masks than the one you posted a photo of - let me know if you want info.

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Mar 18Liked by Alice Bradley

Your text exchange just made me choke-laugh.

Also, seconding the CPAP sympathies, I can tell that would drive me insane.

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Mar 18Liked by Alice Bradley

Yay! Alice stories!!!!

So sorry about your CPAP though.

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oh Alice, how I miss thee. I'm glad Irene talked you into (clearly in an arm-twisting way, SO Irene...) joining a singing group. I had taken 3 seasons(-ish) off from mine, but I'm glad I re-joined. Our men are less confident, less enthusiastic. Oh well. Sorry we all missed the recent reunion, but it is good to imagine hearing your voice while reading your crazy talk. <3

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