Apr 6, 2023Liked by Alice Bradley

I'm sorry this is hard. I've been driving in a major metropolitan area for 30 years. But if I were in your shoes I would try to practice as much as possible and gain confidence while also assuming most other drivers are idiots...this will help you drive defensively which is not the same as driving like an ass.

Otherwise, you could consider getting a Tesla or something where you could use full self drive mode, but as someone whose significant other has a Tesla, I can say that I refuse to drive that thing in anything other than standard mode so I can be in control!

I think with more practice and maybe some calming driving music, you will be good to go!

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Alice Bradley

You can do it! In fact, you’re already doing it. Don’t beat yourself up if it seems like it never gets better. The fact is you’re still persevering. And every time you drive that’s one more victory. Go you!

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Alice Bradley

Congratulations on driving three times!

Angela has a great suggestion. Treat everyone else as if they don't know what they are doing... mainly because they don't 😁

Would you consider taking driving lessons (from someone other than your husband... he's wonderful but you need a professional) to get the formal instruction from someone who has experience with "new" drivers? Might be beneficial

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